Akshay Kumar has had enough of controversy. After facing the wrath of certain Sikh groups over his portrayal of a turban-clad Sikh in Singh is Kinng two years ago, Kumar has decided to play it safe in the upcoming film, Patiala House.
Although a three - member panel formed by the Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Commitee cleared the movie, sources say Kumar wanted to avoid any controversy, so much so that even though the film is reportedly based on the life of British cricketer Monty Panesar who is a turban-wearing Sikh, Akshay decided to essay the role sporting short hair. An entire sequence was added to the film to explain the reason for doing so." During 1979-1981, whan riots took place in South Hall, members of the Nationalist Party committed a lot of atrocities on the Sikhs. All over the UK, the community was being prosecuted. And in fear, mothers resorted to do the unthinkable and cut the hair of their sons, lest they become victims of the violence against the Sikh community," explains the film's maker, Nikhil Adwani. So, the movie has a flashback in which Kumar's mother cuts his hair, much to his father's shock. This sequence, which sets the film in motion, plays with Kumar's voiceover. Adwani will also be hosting trial runs of the film starting next week, to avoid controversy.
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